Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day + K9s For Warriors Fundraiser

Patriotic Crescent Moon Earrings Today's holiday is one whose meaning is not lost on me, and I get frustrated every year seeing businesses using it as an opportunity to have a big sale and talking about "celebrating."

I have a friend who never made it home from his service to our country. He left behind a wife and a child he never got to meet. I also have friends who did not survive the trauma that they came home with. Today is a day that I think about them.

Since we do have another patriotic holiday coming up, I will be making a limited number of red, white, and blue earrings (possibly other accessories if I find time). I will be donating 10% of the sale from these from today through the end of June to a local charity that I love, K9s For Warriors. This charity provides service dogs to veterans in an effort to end veteran suicide. I've been on their campus, met several of their employees, and have met several of their warriors and canine companions, and they are an incredible organization. (Keep scrolling to see a photo I took a few years ago of one of their adorable service puppies in training at an event.)
By all means, enjoy your day today -- I myself will be enjoying some poolside relaxation -- but do remember those that today honors.

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